Tuesday 11 September 2018

The Invisible Man | Chapter 7 : The Unveiling of the Stranger | Summary

At noon Griffin calls for Mrs. Hall and asks why she has not served him his meals or answered his bell. She presents his bill, which is past due, and asks him to pay it. Griffin tells her he is no longer waiting for a remittance to pay it, but now has the money. This makes her suspicious. She demands he explain how he made the chair move and how he got in the empty room.
Griffin tells Mrs. Hall to stop talking with "such extraordinary violence that he silence[s] her immediately." He tells her she does not understand who or what he is. He removes his false nose and hair, glasses, hat, and bandages, revealing he is invisible. Mrs. Hall is shocked at the sight of "nothingness, no visible thing at all." She runs outside, shrieking. The other villagers join her. Their screams attract a larger crowd, including Mr. Bobby Jaffers, the village constable, who arrives with Mr. Wadgers. They have brought an arrest warrant with them. Mr. Hall, Jaffers, and Wadgers enter the parlor to arrest Griffin, and a fight ensues—with the three villagers fighting an unseen foe. After Griffin surrenders, Jaffers informs him he is being arrested on charges of burglary. Griffin flees from the room by stripping off his clothes before Jaffers can handcuff him, leaving behind several battered and injured individuals and a crowd of panicked villagers.

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