Saturday 29 September 2018

The Invisible Man | Chapter 11 : In the Coach and Horses | Summary

Cuss and Bunting are in Griffin's rooms, examining items he left behind in order to understand the earlier events of the day and to investigate Griffin. They discover three books titled "Diary." They attempt to read one of the diaries but are unable to decipher the letters and symbols. Cuss surmises some of it is written in Greek and suggests Bunting can read it. As they discuss this, Marvel knocks on the door and enters the room. He says, "Stand clear!" and then leaves. Cuss and Bunting assume the intruder is a sailor who accidentally entered the room, and Cuss locks the door. As he does, someone sniffs.
As Bunting bends his head to pore over a book, he feels a pressure on the back of his neck and hears a voice whisper, "Don't move, little men ... or I'll brain you both!" Griffin had entered the room with Marvel. He chides the men—as he pushes both of their heads toward the table—for invading "an investigator's private memoranda" and his "private rooms" and demands to know where his clothes are. After threatening the men by telling them he could "kill [them] both and get away quite easily," he promises to let them go unharmed if they do what he says. He tells them he needs clothing, accommodation, and his three books.

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