Wednesday 17 October 2018

The Invisible Man | Chapter 13 : Mr. Marvel Discusses His Resignation | Summary


Mr. Marvel was marching painfully to Bramblehurst. He carried
three books bound together and a bundle wrapped in a blue tablecloth. He looked all tired and anxious. A voice accompanied him all
the time. He tried to flee, though he claimed he did not. The voice
warned him that he would be killed if he tried to give a slip.
The 'Invisible Man' was all upset thinking that all the happenings
would find a place in the newspapers and he would be searched
about everywhere. He wanted to use Marvel as a tool though Marvel
thought that he was a weak tool and could not be of much help
to the voice.
Marvel told the 'Invisible Man' that he was too weak to be of any
substantial help. Moreover, he might mess his plans. It would be better
if death becomes his pal and free him from the pain and helplessness.
Marvel's arguments cut no ice as they had no effect on the
'Invisible Man'. The 'Invisible Man threatened him to do as was
told and not to make lame excuses for resignation. Marvel carrying
the burden on his body and the burden of threat in his heart, had to
obey the mighty 'Invisible Man' willy-nilly. He passed up the street
of the village and was in total ignorance of his future.

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